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Saturday, October 23, 2010

You can find friends anywhere if you look...

I can't say that I can make friends wherever I go... It would be a lie if I said I did. It's not like I'm antisocial or shy or anything like that. A good portion of the time, I just can't be bothered by the quality of people I run across...Shallow, cookie cutter, wannabes with no imagination, no heart... They seem to be lacking a lot... All cover, no plot... It's weird.
I find that I am more likely to notice someone for their quirks, being a quirky kind of person myself... There's something about a person who isn't afraid to wear their "-Ness" right out there on their sleeves. Not like those poseurs who do it to stand out from the crowd and be different just like everyone else.  I am talking about someone comfortable enough in their own skin that they can just... Be.
It's sad to see the cookie cutters working so fucking hard to show everyone around them what they've amassed and work hard on just the "facade" that everyone sees, worrying about what other people will think of them, then go into denial mode if called out and "Nuh-uh... That's not me! I'm different! I'm awesome! I'm cool! I'm the greatest person I know because I have no faults! See? See?! SEE?!!" instead of taking a step back and saying... "Hmm... Perhaps this is something I should fix!"
It's hard to turn the critical eye on yourself. I get that. AND I admit that I myself am still a work in progress. But at least I can admit it.
I have come to realize that I don't need to live my life to please other people. I don't have to fall into the rut of being like everyone else. I know what's right, I know what's wrong, I know what needs to get done and I do it. It takes a bit of strength and courage to break away and become "yourself", but I am finding my way just fine. My quirkiness gets me some odd looks sometimes, but I don't live my life for those people. I will continue to seek out more quirky friends as they come along and we'll all be interesting together somewhere and all the rest of y'all can go be whatever somewhere else. It's all about the quality of the friends I keep.

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