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Saturday, October 16, 2010


You are clouding my aura, disturbing my feng shui, misaligning my chi, fucking up my chakras and out and out RUINING my day! You are the rain on my parade, the ants at my picnic, the thorn in my side, the pain in my proverbial nutsack after getting kicked in the balls. You are the fly in my ointment, the fly in my soup, the dog crap on the bottom of my shoe, the paper cut in the creasey part of my finger, the cat that howls at night when I'm trying to sleep, the permanent stain on a new white shirt. You are the burn on my toast, the stale bit on my marshmallow, the peas in my chowder, the fungus on my cheese, the freezer burn on my ice cream.
That's why it gives me great pleasure to say, F5! That's your fleet! I win!  One more game?

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