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Thursday, October 7, 2010


It's not that I don't believe in a higher power... I do. But I will NOT go to church and go and do the "organized religion" thing... I think it's creepy.   You have these "religious organizations" and they have the biggest racket going! You wanna talk about money? Shit!
They have money enough to throw around to cover up "indiscretions" of the church, they have their own laws and by laws that they can hide behind, with a "governing body" that determined what will be known and what won't be known, it's own set of "conspiracy theories", and the power that they have over the masses? Yeah... Creepy.
I never really believed that you have to be somewhere in order to pray or whatever and I don't think I need someone telling me their definitions of right and wrong according to their "codes" from the many different translations of the "Big Book". Those "bible" based religions can't even get it straight in their ring, how do you expect me to just buy into it... I don't think so. You got your Jews of ALL sorts, Something Orthodox, Mormons, Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baptists... They all have their different takes on the whole Jesus, God and other junk and stuff... Then you get one enigmatic "leader", who has an "off-shoot belief" on any one of those and it has the potential to wipe out a community of morons...
I am not about being "religious" so much as I am all about being spiritual. I have faith. It's there... I just don't know where it's placed. For me, I believe that the  most important part is that I have the faith. Beyond that? Not until I see it for myself.

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