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Thursday, July 25, 2013


Due to stuff, I'm taking a little break here. I'll be back soon, but right now, I just need to go be. I'm just having a moment where I hate everything and everyone. It's nothing personal. It just is what it is. Don't judge me. Blah, blah, blah, walk a day in my shoes and blah. K?

See you back here soon.


I lack patience with a lot of things. I do. I KNOW I do. I should probably learn a little more tolerance for certain of things, but I can't, I won't and likely, I probably won't. Ever. I should, but I won't.

I'm finding that the older I get, the less patience I have for people, certain of their behaviors, stupidity and pettiness, and overall things that I don't like. Why should I? Why should I waste my precious time having to deal with that kind of shit? Nope. Don't wanna, so I'm not gonna.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Yes, I will admit. I do suffer from chronic laziness on more occasions than I care to admit. I can't exactly put my finger on what motivates me to NOT want to do anything or why I just don't feel like getting off my ass at all.

I'll sit and stare at the list of things that I need to get accomplished for the day and.... well, that's about as close as I want to get to getting them done. Ugh.

AM I having one of those days now? Well, seeing as how it's still this early in the friggin' morning and I already don't want to do anything, I'm thinking, yeah. I'm having one of those days. Hurray! <insert sarcasm here>

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


It's been months now since Otis passed, and yet I still find myself grieving his loss. The date 01/03/13 and time 11:15AM still not erased from my mind. One part of my mind wonders why I still end up so emotional when thinking about my dog who has long since died. And then, there is the other part of my mind that still lingers on his memory. The feeling of having someone there when there is no one else around. Another living being to talk to and speak my mind to and verbally spew my guts out to without worry of judgement or criticism. Just a warm, living, sentient being that would listen to me and be with me and love me, unconditionally. I mean TRULY unconditionally.

I still hear the rattle of his collar and tags from time to time. I still panic and think, "HOLY CRAP! I need to take the dog out! He hasn't been out in a while!" I still keep his blankets at the foot of the bed because I just don't have the heart to get rid of them. I still can't think about my dog without feeling a profound sense of loss. I still cry because I miss him. I miss him a lot.

Love on your four legged friends people. And to the people who know me personally, don't mind me when I love on your fur babies when I visit you. It's serious therapy for me and it means quite a bit more than I will EVER show on the outside. I will thank you now...... Ask me about it later, and I will deny everything later and tell you that you're crazy. I will also tell you that I like animals more than I like people, which is VERY true........ Don't feel too bad. The fact that I talked to you AT ALL is a good indication that I found SOMETHING in you that I felt is somewhat redeeming as a quality.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Maybe it changes!

A bad habit of mine is staring into an open fridge and seeing what there is, only to come back to it a few minutes later to do it again. It angers the fridge and Puppy Guts isn't too happy about it either. I mean, who's to say that the fridge gnome who shuts off the light isn't changing shit around in there are hiding things or rearranging shit or stealing shit or whatever? I am QUITE SURE that is what happens.....

I also do this to the freezer too. It doubles as a nice way to cool off in the summer time as I peruse the shelves.

Yes.... It is another of my strange quirks. Shut up.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

That face......

I probably make this same exact face at least 40 or 50 times in a given day. It's the, "I have no idea how to respond to this....." , disappointed in humanity, incredulous look. One thing or another leads me to make THIS face. Some of the times, it is accompanied by a face palm. Other times, I opt to bang my head into the nearest wall. And still yet other times, the only thing I CAN do is make this face because there is just no way to respond with words or thoughts and thinking too much will just crack the very foundations of my sanityand it would crumble all together, and I may just snap.

Yeah..... This face.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

NEED this......

I am not a morning person. At all. I set my alarms for about 30 minutes before I have to ACTUALLY get up because I go through the snoozes. It takes quite a bit of effort for me to get up in the mornings. I think I may be allergic to getting up and out of bed in the morning. I break out in the grumpies and it makes my head hurt.

I'm sure that eventually, I WOULD find a way to outsmart even THIS particular device, but until I did, this might help me to dredge my carcass out of bed.....

Just a though.

Friday, July 19, 2013

BEST friends.

My best friends will always lend me a hand when I need it. They would always be there for me in a pinch and they would never let me down. No doubt. They're also the kind of people who will laugh before picking my ass up off the ground when I fall. Not in a mean way or anything. I mean, if I was hurt for real, they probably wouldn't laugh at first, but for the most part.... Yeah, They'd laugh.

They are the type of people who are BRUTALLY honest with me and will tell me the absolute truth, even though I may not want to hear it. No sugar coating, no hand holding. It's cut to the chase bing, bang, boom, FLABAMMO. THERE IT IS. I'd expect nothing less.

Best friends are the ones who will call me a fucking shit-tarded cunt face, because I was being an asshole. Or they will call me a shit-tarded cunt face because I called them a shit licking fart sucker. We don't get offended by the names we call each other. It would be significantly hurtful if they couldn't come up with something worse than what I called them and vice versa.

There is a certain level of comfort and just being able to be myself when I am among my friends. No petty judgment or anything of that nature to worry about. We just go on being ourselves because...... well, because it's okay. I'm okay with being a social retard and blatant and rude and crass. I like that. Thank goodness for good friends.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Have we become THAT retarded?

I mean, seriously. I have to stop and ask simply because EVERYTHING comes with some kind of pretty stupid warning telling us that we should try doing the stuff we see on TV at home. That the coffee that we just bought is hot and may burn. Things have gotten quite a bit weird. Is the next generation so stupid that we have to warn them NOT to be stupid? Do they lack common sense so severely that we need to tell them that they shouldn't do things that are obviously dangerous? It almost seems like we are blatantly telling the general population that they are morons and they need to be told NOT to be stupid. Seriously. It kind of boils down to that...... I am constantly amazed (and not in a good way) at how stupid people are.....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hit by a crayon truck.......

There is just a certain line that every woman needs to draw when it comes to makeup. (Ha ha ha! See what I did there?) Seriously. There is a thing called "TOO MUCH MAKEUP". If it can't be accomplished in ten minutes, it's just not gonna happen. Let it go. Seriously. There is no fixing it. Just because you slather it on thicker and heavier, doesn't make it "look better". More isn't always better. And NO, it does NOT look "natural" no matter how much you try to #nofilter #nomakeup that shit. BULLSHIT!

Stop. Just, stop. Please, for the love of god, STOP. My kids are afraid of clowns.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What ever happened to MTV?

I can remember a time when MTV played actual music videos. I mean, MTV stood for MUSIC television. We didn't have all these stupid, retarded shows about stupid shit and stupid people doing stupid things. We weren't subjected to mind numbing "reality" shows about shallow intellectually challenged morons whom I'd give a dollar to punch out.

It's not to say that all the music videos were great and the music was awesome or anything, but I have to say that even the worst of it was all quite a bit better than what is considered "the best" of these "reality" shows. Seriously....... Intelligence is still declining and everything is  still being dumbed down for the lowest common denominator as we are continually being subjected to more stupidity and we allow our children to idolize these pieces of common trash. Yay......

And people wonder why the fuck I'm so angry all the time.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Justice served: Prison style.

It's not that I think that prisoners in jail are fine, upstanding citizens. I mean, thery're in there for a pretty good fucking reason.  In most cases I am pretty happy that they are, considering the crimes that they had committed to get themselves put there. With that pretty much said, there is a certain "law of the land" in prison that exists, that you do have to have a little respect for. And this, right here, certainly takes the cake. I love justice like this. It makes me giddy and want to laugh out loud As a matter of fact, it did. A lot.  Even a hardened criminal will not stand for people who hurt children. I like that.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

No hope for us.......

It really is no wonder that alien life forms have't tried to contact us...... I mean look at our world..... The transmissions of televeision shows that they watch to get a sense of who and what we are.... The goings on in our world and all the stupidity and stuff.... And at look what they do! They leave all sorts of neat crop circles and neat art and stuff. A means of some significant and probably profound communication of some sort and we go to a different planet and we draw a big penis.... Awesome. I mean, have you ever really just taken a step back and REALLY looked at us as a species? I'll give you a minute to really wrap your mind around that. Seriously. Take that in and think.

Sure, there is "beauty all around us and the splendors of life and in the world....." But from a purely alien standpoint, can you see humans themselves as anything but a bunch of vicious, evil, hateful little things that have basically overrun the planet, using up resources and squandering everything away, greedily usurping everything around them? I have a feeling other "life forms" have deemed us all to be savages and have decided just to leave us be to wipe ourselves off the planet, so that it can start anew...... Take another minute to let THAT soak in..... Yeah.....

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Right in dem feels.....

This ia a movie plucked right from my childhood. Seriously. And seriously? The girl who voiced Ducky got shot and killed by her dad? I think this post gave me serious depression issues right now.  I mean, she was the little girl who voiced Anne Marie in All Dogs Go to Heaven..... Does no one else haz a sad right now?

I know I heard about this a LONG ass time ago after having watched Land Before TIme, and I also remember hearing about the All Dogs Go to Heaven movie coming out, like, a year after she had died. And I remember being pretty depressed about it then too.


I'm going back to bed to cry about this.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

One stop place to find it all.....

When I tell you that you can find just about anything on Youtube, you really can. From helpful to bizarre, uplifting to downright twisted, unbelievable happy to incredibly sad, uproariously funny to just plain WRONG. I mean, name your extremes and everything in between. You're going to find it. One of my favorite past times with Puppy Guts is typing in a random string of words in the finder box on youtube. The scary thing is, s good portion of the time, there are hits. Some of them are great, others just want to make us want to wash our eyes out with acid...... And yet we continue to play that game anyway, coming up with more strange word combinations as we go along.

It seems everyone has a youtube channel now a days. It's almost like the facebook thing. Everyone has one of those too. And just like on the facebook, people share on the youtube. And it's interesting. I mean, think about it..... It has yet to cease to amaze me how much smaller the world really is now. Some of the things I've seen on youtube has been so awesome and I think about how I might not have ever seen anything like it had it not been for this internet thing! Sure, there have been things that I have cursed the internet for subjecting me to, but the good far outweighs the bad.

I'm still not sure how one gets his dick stuck in the ceiling fan though...... I'm not sure I WANT to know, but I'm sure we will eventually search for that on youtube anyway.

And yes. I have a Youtube channel too. Yup..... There goes the neighborhood.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Socially acceptable.....

I've recently become part of the "non-smokers" club. Feels good. I no longer have to be one of those receiving the "disapproving glare" that I used to get, trying to huddle away in a corner outside, puffing away on a cigarette, trying to stay out of sight from people and their judgment. It was shameful and terrible and bad for me and everyone around me. And then to make it worse, the fake "I'm choking on your habit!" cough..... It was a completely accepted. It was okay to make fun of the smoker and show outward disdain and publicly humiliate and chastise the smoker. It is a poor life choice made by said smoker and an unhealthy habit. I get it. I got it! FINE! But, what of eating poorly and gaining obscene amounts of weight though. That is yet another form of a poor life choice and an unhealthy habit. No?

One can try and make the argument that a person's obesity doesn't affect others, while smoking does because of the smoke smell and the potential for second hand smoke diseases. Fine. But to say a person's obesity doesn't affect others around them? Well, firstly, it is unsightly. But beyond that.... What of the younger members of that person's family? To see that as the norm ends up skewing what a healthy body weight is and it makes it difficult for a child to determine what a healthy body is supposed to look like. The food choices aren't exactly going to be good one's either. One does NOT become overweight overnight and if solid, properly proportioned food choices were made, it would be impossible to end up with weight problems. Seriously. Don't tell me it doesn't hurt anyone. There is a HUGE obesity problem <pun wasn't intended, but it fits....>, and children are VICTIMS of it, especially when it is family members who are subjecting them to it.

Obesity is actually a pet peeve of mine. I have no respect for people who let themselves become that way. It shows lack of self respect, self control and discipline. And I find it to be rather disgusting. It's wrong. What I find to be even MORE disgusting is that they let their children gain the unnecessary weight and let them become unhealthy. The children then learn the unhealthy eating habits and become completely unaware of what a healthy lifestyle is. I mean COME ON!!!!!! That stuff is learned.

I'm pretty tired of the lame ass "big is beautiful" thing. How about a campaign for "fit is beautiful" or "healthy is beautiful" instead? Let's stop making excuses and start taking action, hmmm? Just a thought.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Puppy Guts 2013

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to Puppy Guts!
Happy birthday to YOOOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!

My dearest Puppy Guts,
We celebrate your birthday today and I am just so glad that you were born! I know you'll be off to work and stuff and celebrating your birthday running down naked drunks and ticketing speeders, but I just want you to know,  I'll be home waiting for you with your birthday surprise! <wink wink> :nudge nudge:

I love you all over the place until it squishes!

Saturday, July 6, 2013


So, we're IN to the summer vacation thing. And YAY! We've survived the big holiday and enjoying the fact that there really aren't any rushed early mornings and the day to day routine has basically been tossed to the wayside. The weather fluctuates and we experience super hot days or something a few degrees shy of Hell. The humidity makes someone instantly sweaty upon stepping outside and we love the rain, we hate the rain, I think the plants are all basically dead now.

The summer also brings about activities that really can't be done any other time of year. Things that I suppose you COULD do during any other time of the year, but things that just seem iconic and embody the feeling of "summertime". Bug catching and water balloons and sweating to death while cooking up a barbecue dinner on the grill. Summertime snowball fights and the mess it brings with it. Washing the car and running through the sprinklers and splashing around in a kiddie wading pool for shits and giggles. Rolling around in the cool grass and sitting in the shade, sipping on ice cold water after a game of running around and sweating your balls off.... Heat stroke and sunburn and dehydration. Well, those aren't fun things, but sometimes, they happen.

It all goes by so freaking fast though! One minute, people are complaining about how hot it is and the next, it's fucking snowing...... :s It'll be too soon.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Animal thoughts........

I've often gone to zoos and stuff and wondered what the fuck the animals must be thinking. I mean in people speak. And the WTF moments that they must experience or see every day. I mean can you imagine? I mean, even animals that I see every day must think some crazy shit on a day to day basis. And the things that they must think about us? Yeesh, I can't even begin to imagine.

There is no doubt in my mind, that animals feel emotions. They have "thoughts" and "feelings". And on some level, they understand things WAY more than I think most people give them credit for. I really don't buy the "expert's" opinions that animals are primitive and are not capable of expressing and understanding a wide range of thoughts and emotions. Those "experts" are idiots.

I sometimes like to watch animals, whether it be pets or just critters in the yard or something, and assign voices and characteristics to them and imagine the "thoughts" running through their minds. Run through all the different scenarios as they play out and their reactions and the dialogs and stuff. They'll have names and a whole background and a character "explanation" and everything. It gets pretty elaborate sometimes. And then I catch someone staring at me and giving me strange looks as I sit there staring at some random animals, smiling away like an idiot and giggling to myself..... :sigh:

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fourth of July 2013

Happy Fourth of July, people! Well, here we are once again. Let's all take the time to remember what the day is TRULY about! With all the other ethnic pride days we are forced to tolerate here, let's all try and take a moment to remember WHY you have the right to do so, WHY you are able to do so.

Today marks the day in which we commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, declaring our separation from the kingdom of Great Britain. Today is about American pride. It is about OUR United States. Our COUNTRY! So, please try to remember that before gorging yourselves on barbequed foods and consuming copious amounts of beer and liquor and overindulging on all sorts of artery clogging delights of every variety.

Have a happy one all!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Thanks everybody!

Hey, and welcome back! Thanks for stopping by!

This blog has been up and running for three years now (or something like that) and after over 5,000 visitors and tens of thousands of hits and page views and shit like that, it's been quite a journey! I really didn't think this would travel further my own backyard, so to speak, but I've got people all over the world peeking into my twisted mind! Shout outs to y'all all across the US and Canada as well as far off places like the UK, Australia, the Philippines, Brazil, Germany, India, the Netherlands, Belgium, Malaysia, France, Finland, Hong Kong, Mexico, Poland, Sweden, South Africa, Italy, Norway, Russia, Denmark, Egypt, New Zealand, Singapore, Lebanon, Spain, Greece, Indonesia, Chile, Turkey, Herzegovina, Argentina, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ireland, Pakistan, Ukraine, Austria, Colombia, Israel, Japan, Romania, Lithuania, Portugal, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Latvia, Morocco, Serbia, Slovakia, Brunei, Georgia, Croatia, Montenegro, Nepal, Oman, Panama, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, Thailand, Tunisia, Taiwan, Vietnam, UAE, Aruba, Bangladesh, Belize, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Algeria, Fiji, Estonia, Ghana, Iraq, Iceland, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Madagascar, Macedonia, Malta, Maldives, Malawi, Somalia, Suriname, Uganda, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Woo hoo!!!!

Has the content and writing gotten better over the last couple of years? No. Will the content and writing get better? No. Probably not. But thanks so much for stopping by anyway!

Monday, July 1, 2013


I don't take compliments very well. Actually, I really don't know how to respond to them. And it has a lot to do with my parents conditioning me to wait for the kick in the pants.  They've never really paid me a compliment. I mean, when it's, "Wow! That's a great shirt! It looks like crap on you!" or "Your hair looks FABULOUS! Your face? Not so much....." or "Wow! You did a great job, but it could have been so much better if you had......." That was basically how it was and how it still is.

So, now a days, I just can't take a compliment too seriously. Having become jaded over the years hasn't helped either. I find most people to be two faced and absolutely unreliable. I tend not to believe anything that I hear coming out of the mouths of most of the people I know or run across. And it becomes a problem I guess. There might be the rare and occasional person who is really trying to pay me a compliment and I'm all, "Uh huh.... Okay. I like pie!"

I don't mean to offend, but, it's just who I am. I can't really recall a real compliment that was given to me by my parents. Just a simple "Hey that's awesome!" kind of thing. They were always followed up with a "but". You know, "......but your sister is so much smarter.", "..... but I don't understand what he/ she sees in you!", ".....there's nothing really outstanding or special about you...." That kind of shit. Oh, no, I am being absolutely serious. This was my life and still IS. It used to be something that bothered me quite a bit, but it's not the case any more.

I found that they are MORE bothered by having that meanness pointed out because I KNOW that they know, they are being less than courteous. They ESPECIALLY find it humiliating when I point it out in front of other people. I take my jabs whenever I can. Call it immature and vindictive, but I'm keeping this one.