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Friday, July 19, 2013

BEST friends.

My best friends will always lend me a hand when I need it. They would always be there for me in a pinch and they would never let me down. No doubt. They're also the kind of people who will laugh before picking my ass up off the ground when I fall. Not in a mean way or anything. I mean, if I was hurt for real, they probably wouldn't laugh at first, but for the most part.... Yeah, They'd laugh.

They are the type of people who are BRUTALLY honest with me and will tell me the absolute truth, even though I may not want to hear it. No sugar coating, no hand holding. It's cut to the chase bing, bang, boom, FLABAMMO. THERE IT IS. I'd expect nothing less.

Best friends are the ones who will call me a fucking shit-tarded cunt face, because I was being an asshole. Or they will call me a shit-tarded cunt face because I called them a shit licking fart sucker. We don't get offended by the names we call each other. It would be significantly hurtful if they couldn't come up with something worse than what I called them and vice versa.

There is a certain level of comfort and just being able to be myself when I am among my friends. No petty judgment or anything of that nature to worry about. We just go on being ourselves because...... well, because it's okay. I'm okay with being a social retard and blatant and rude and crass. I like that. Thank goodness for good friends.

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