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Sunday, July 14, 2013

No hope for us.......

It really is no wonder that alien life forms have't tried to contact us...... I mean look at our world..... The transmissions of televeision shows that they watch to get a sense of who and what we are.... The goings on in our world and all the stupidity and stuff.... And at look what they do! They leave all sorts of neat crop circles and neat art and stuff. A means of some significant and probably profound communication of some sort and we go to a different planet and we draw a big penis.... Awesome. I mean, have you ever really just taken a step back and REALLY looked at us as a species? I'll give you a minute to really wrap your mind around that. Seriously. Take that in and think.

Sure, there is "beauty all around us and the splendors of life and in the world....." But from a purely alien standpoint, can you see humans themselves as anything but a bunch of vicious, evil, hateful little things that have basically overrun the planet, using up resources and squandering everything away, greedily usurping everything around them? I have a feeling other "life forms" have deemed us all to be savages and have decided just to leave us be to wipe ourselves off the planet, so that it can start anew...... Take another minute to let THAT soak in..... Yeah.....

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