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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Socially acceptable.....

I've recently become part of the "non-smokers" club. Feels good. I no longer have to be one of those receiving the "disapproving glare" that I used to get, trying to huddle away in a corner outside, puffing away on a cigarette, trying to stay out of sight from people and their judgment. It was shameful and terrible and bad for me and everyone around me. And then to make it worse, the fake "I'm choking on your habit!" cough..... It was a completely accepted. It was okay to make fun of the smoker and show outward disdain and publicly humiliate and chastise the smoker. It is a poor life choice made by said smoker and an unhealthy habit. I get it. I got it! FINE! But, what of eating poorly and gaining obscene amounts of weight though. That is yet another form of a poor life choice and an unhealthy habit. No?

One can try and make the argument that a person's obesity doesn't affect others, while smoking does because of the smoke smell and the potential for second hand smoke diseases. Fine. But to say a person's obesity doesn't affect others around them? Well, firstly, it is unsightly. But beyond that.... What of the younger members of that person's family? To see that as the norm ends up skewing what a healthy body weight is and it makes it difficult for a child to determine what a healthy body is supposed to look like. The food choices aren't exactly going to be good one's either. One does NOT become overweight overnight and if solid, properly proportioned food choices were made, it would be impossible to end up with weight problems. Seriously. Don't tell me it doesn't hurt anyone. There is a HUGE obesity problem <pun wasn't intended, but it fits....>, and children are VICTIMS of it, especially when it is family members who are subjecting them to it.

Obesity is actually a pet peeve of mine. I have no respect for people who let themselves become that way. It shows lack of self respect, self control and discipline. And I find it to be rather disgusting. It's wrong. What I find to be even MORE disgusting is that they let their children gain the unnecessary weight and let them become unhealthy. The children then learn the unhealthy eating habits and become completely unaware of what a healthy lifestyle is. I mean COME ON!!!!!! That stuff is learned.

I'm pretty tired of the lame ass "big is beautiful" thing. How about a campaign for "fit is beautiful" or "healthy is beautiful" instead? Let's stop making excuses and start taking action, hmmm? Just a thought.

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