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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

yay... that's greaaaaaaaaaat... woo....hoo....

So, my mom was telling me about her latest doctor's appointment... In excruciatingly painful detail... T.M.I.!!!
But when she finishes off with, "Isn't that great?" and because I want to avoid the shit storm that follows if I were to be less than excited, I give her the thumbs up, a "Yay..." and a half smile...
It never ends there, does it? No. Apparently, my room is messy and I forgot to wash a dish, which led to another discussion that lasted about half an hour. It bled into a discussion about how things should be done around the house because that's the way the 'rents would prefer it... Like the "right way" to fold laundry, the "right way" to wash a dish and put it in the dishwasher (and where in the dishwasher), the "right way" to boil water, the "right way" to use the microwave, the "right way" to answer the phone, the "right way" to use the bathroom...
This is it, isn't it... I've died and gone to hell... And none of you rat bastards told me!!! That's just wrong. Just fuckin' wrong! You know what? Fuck yourselves...

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