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Monday, September 6, 2010

My Myra...

I have mentioned, in passing, a few of the people I have met on Ebay, but one that bears a bit more significance than all is my Myra.
This is a woman who had been through more hardships and trials and tribulation than most people and from a very young age. In most cases it would turn people into ones full of hate and rage and all around nastiness. Not my Myra. She is a cool lady and I will not stand to hear otherwise from anybody.  It takes a strong person  for them to stand up again and keep going despite having had to endure such suffering . And not just going, but have an enormous faith in God, an open heart to invite a new friend into her life and is still willing to share. I've seen what just one form of severe abuse can do to people. They barely function as people. They just stop. It's very sad. They become just a mere shell where the wheel might still be turning, but the hamster is long dead. Myra had suffered long years of, well, for lack of a better word, hell... and yet still I find myself emailing a kind hearted, spiritually rich, downright cool lady willing to correspond and share her life story with me. I am definitely the lucky one, my life being enriched by someone like her.
I am thankful for her friendship and her taking a chance on me and corresponding with me. I really feel like I should have known her all along and I feel like I lost something because I hadn't... Myra's friendship means a great deal to me and as much as I do the things I do for my kids and the people close to me, Myra has her very own corner too. Her gentle words of comfort felt like a kind hand up when I fell, so that I was able to brush the dirt off and go do what I was doing. She has been a large part of the inspiration for my continuing on with the books I had written for my kids and she says she is my biggest fan. She had given something back to me that I didn't know was missing. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it'll come to me.  It means the world to me knowing that I do have her in my corner...

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