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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Mitchie, Lucky and I have been traversing the world of hooch. Whiskey, bourbon, rye, scotch... We sit down with a couple of different varieties... We don't drink to get shitty. There's just no point to that. There's really no enjoyment... Color, nose, body, palate and finish. I'm no expert, but I know what I like...
We normally go for the Beam Distiller's... Aroma of spicy and sweet browns with subtle wood notes. Tastes sweet with a blend of caramel and vanilla on a toasted background for a full, smooth taste. Finishes warm, lingering and mellow for easy sipping. It's not too expensive and for what it is, it's decent. It works well for sippin' at our WT garden parties. If the Distiller's isn't available, it's the Jim Beam Rye... The nose is kinda lemon-y and minty with something else. It tastes fruity and oak-y and it finishes kinda cocoa-y.  
We've expanded our horizons a little and here's what I came up with...
Now, with the scotches, there's the highlands, the lowlands and the islays. Me, personally? Not such a big fan. As with any other ANYTHING, it depends on personal preference... I don't particularly like the peat-y or earthy flavors, although the Lagavulin wasn't too bad. The really bad ones taste a lot like bog water. Yuck... I'll stick with a glass of a creme brulee stout at room temp. those nights. (Southern Tier puts out a really nice one...)
Ironically enough, it was the American of Italian descent that had to teach the American of Japanese descent about the Japanese single malt whiskey... Yamazaki. There was the 12 year and the 18 year. I preferred the 12 year as the flavor was a little milder and not as "charred oak-y"...The nose on this baby was like cake... Vanilla and honey? (Yum) Body? Curvy and smooth like a VS catalog model. It's soft and almost creamy, but it'll also punch you in the mouth with bold "flabammo" and it finishes is like buttah... Our "for special occasions only" bottle sits almost untouched as it seems to be such a waste... Besides, it was expensive as all get out!
The bourbon... Maker's Mark. That's the one with the red drippy stuff on the bottle. Also another "yummy!" . The nose is warm and caramel-y (and if you've been reading along, I love caramel...) and a touch fruity(?) with honey. Body, sweet and light... Caramel and vanilla notes  to soft notes of burnt sugar and molasses towards the end, then finishes like fresh molasses cookies. Mmmm... Cookies... This one was a gift, but another one of those "save for mini celebration" ones.
It takes us a while to get through a bottle so critiques will come slowly... Another post that will probably grow as time goes on...

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