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Monday, September 6, 2010

While we're on the subject...

My daughter (2 years old) had to have a pretty serious oral procedure done that required a trip to hospital because she had to be put under general anesthesia. She's so small and I was worried sick. I couldn't sleep the night before and I had to be at the hospital by 6:00 am, an hours drive away. Lucky is a midnight shift cop and I had to drive through "his town" to get to the hospital one town further north. He gave us a police escort from the town line of "his town" directly to the hospital. After he finished working a eight hour shift, he drove to the hospital to sit with me while I waited for my little girl. I told him to go home, but he wouldn't hear of it. He said, "YOU need me, HERE..." and that was that. When I tell you the procedure took about two hours... It felt like an eternity for me!  They hadn't gotten started until about 8. Lucky stayed until I had my daughter in her car seat, ready to go home. He had me follow him to where I needed to get to the highway to get home. That was about 11:30. Now mind you, he should have been sleeping... He probably didn't get to sleep until about 12:30 and because of his schedule, he had to be up at 3:30 to pick up his children, hang out with them, feed them supper, and have them home for bed by 8:00 so that he could be to work for his next shift. He even made time to stop by the house (taking him an extra 30 minutes out of his way) to check on my little girl himself to make sure she was okay. (Thank you to the midnight shift supervisor for letting Lucky do this... You know who you are... )
Some have called him the "King of all Douchebags", so Lucky would be the foremost expert on douchebaggery,  I may not hold the title of King but I know douchebaggery when I see it... It's not here...

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