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Monday, June 30, 2014


Sleep is something that we take for granted sometimes. When we have it, sometimes we complain it wasn't great or whatever. When we don't have it, we beg for even the worst night's sleep. When we can't sleep, there's the contemplation of what to do about it. Then of course the being sleepy during the day thinking, "Damn! I would kill to get a nap for like an hour!" and when the day is done and you're ready for bed, you can't sleep. <sigh...>
On the rare occasions that I do get a decent night of sleep, it's never really enough. It's hard playing catch up when you're down so far. One night of good solid sleep feels great but when you're not getting it all the time, it feels worse later. Or being roused in the middle of the night by something. The kids are one thing. Most of the time it's nothing, easily solved and they fall back to sleep within seconds, as do I. But if it's either the martyr or the cranky old git? Forget it. Drama ensues because something and nobody sleeps. It always turns out to be nothing, but still....
I do also have those nights when I have my Puppy Guts sleeping next to me. Hearing the gentle sounds of him breathing, feeling his arm around me as he's snuggled in close. Ahhhh.... Waking up to hearing him tell me he loves me as he gives me the goofy, "still warm and fuzzy from sleep" smile... Priceless.

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