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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

ER visits...

Never a fun deal, is it? For whatever the reason, we all make our way to the hospital for an emergency room visit. You get to sit in the waiting room with other victims of circumstance waiting to be seen, triage, relaying whatever it is that's ailing you to the triage nurse/ doctor, waiting some more, going to be seen by an ER doctor/ intern, waiting some more and have them tell you what's wrong with you and fix it or have them tell you that they have no idea what's wrong and take tests. Blood and pee and whatever else they can squeeze, suck out of, scrape off of you... It's stressful at best.
I get that the ER must see a gajillion people a day, ranging in ailments from imaginary to really quite serious. I mean, at some point, any ER employee is going to get to a point where they can say "Now I've seen it all..." Can you imagine some of the things that might have come through the doors?
I know of one incident that happened. A male at a bar, in trying to impress a female, popped a cue ball into his mouth. It went in okay... However... When it came time to taking the cue ball out of his mouth... he had issues. An ambulance had to be summoned and needless to say, that individual never showed his face around that bar again... Probably not even close to being one of the more "interesting cases" to have walked through the doors either...
I've been to the ER plenty enough, whether it was for me or one of the kids, not to mention friends, family, not so friends and family... And I will admit that whether it was me or someone else, I ALWAYS have to wash the "hospital ick" off of myself and shower and scrub until it hurts.... Yeah... Good times.
I have to give props to the people who work in the medical fields. I'm sure they've had more than their fair share of icky things spewed on them, coughed on them puked on them, sneezed on them, spilled on them... Not to mention the things that they must see on a day to day basis... I couldn't handle it.
Seriously! Bless you all for doing what you do! Whether it be EMT/Paramedic/ First Responders, nurses, doctors, aides, interns, the people who admit you and take all your info, techs, whatever... Thanks! I'm sure I'll be back for something... Again....

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