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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The fairer sex my ASS!

I've never understood the reason why a woman would stay in an abusive relationship. <Slap!> "Shut up and go make me a sandwich!" I would think the typical reaction of any woman would be to bury a meat clever into the guy's head right down to his throat. But that's just me.
In looking around though and doing a bit of people watching, it is NOT just the women who suffer from "being the bitch". I have seen the relationships where the men are just as "pansy ass". The woman of the relationship constantly degrading her man and nitpicking everything. Everything from folding the laundry incorrectly (because there's a wrong way?) to the way he looks, eats, sleeps.... EVERYTHING. Nothing is done right. A woman trying to mold the man to be what she wants instead of accepting and loving him for who he is.... Keeping her man "down" so that he becomes easier to manipulate and control. Pointing out all of his flaws and barely acknowledging (if at all) the things that he may have accomplished.
I pity both sides of a relationship like that. The man may be a pretty cool guy to hang out with but may have a couple of handfuls of hang ups about himself or what other people think because they had been planted there. On the other side of that, the woman can't be happy having someone she obviously isn't happy with because she feels the need to "fix" everything that the man does and everything that he is. I get how there are certain compromises that need to be made in any relationship. Give and take. That's a given, but everything? The feeling of not being accepted for who you are has got to be a miserable existence. To be loved for the idea of what you should be by someone you are to consider your partner instead of being loved for who you are. It seems vicious and cruel.
I knew that it wasn't the right way to live or be treated and I've made changes in my life and found someone who accepted me for everything that I am, as I am. And vice versa. And  together we have been moving forward to bettering ourselves before making better the world around us. That's the way it ought to be.
I know that my Puppy Guts would never treat me like property and I certainly know that he would never disrespect me or treat me like I'm second best to anyone. And I also know that he respects the fact that I'm NOT a fair damsel in distress. I am a rude, crude, politically incorrect, loud mouthed, cussing, funny looking, flat chested, opinionated, sarcastic, walking conundrum and he loves me for all of it. It's awesome.

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