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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Road Rage...

I get how sometimes  road conditions can get to be a little annoying. Weather, idiot drivers, accidents or road work that blocks traffic... They happen. It's frustrating at best and it sucks. I get it.
But this "road rage" thing I don't... I'm not talking about flipping someone the bird who REALLY deserves it, I'm not talking about laying into the horn. I am talking about the absolute and total rage that some people experience. The yelling, the screaming, the cursing out of random people. They get out of their cars and go absolutely APE SHIT or go all "vehicular manslaughter" and use their cars as weapons of destruction and chaos. I am talking about the people who will go chasing down another car on the highway because of a perceived slight or because they were "cut off" in traffic.
I've witnessed these actions a few times in my life and honestly, it's quite frightening. I may not have been the target for said rage, but still... Scary. I don't know what possesses another person to become THAT angry that logic and reason escapes a person like that especially on the road. Driving is a harsh lesson in statistics at best. Anyone who has experienced an accident (severe to minor fender bender) whether they were "at fault" or not can attest to that. Being behind the wheel can be dangerous. It's not necessarily the skill of the person behind the wheel either. It could be about everyone else on the road.
Think about it for a second. A car is a big metal box filled with a heavy engine with stuff on it. This very heavy object is hurtling down the roads at speeds that your average human cannot ever go on foot... The momentum of the car coupled with a rapid deceleration... Honestly.
Then when you mix "the science" with "human error"... Not pretty. THEN to top it all off throw into the mix a person experiencing road rage where logic, reason and thinking skills have flown out the window. Think about an angry person. They are irrational and potentially dangerous. Behind the wheel, they are potentially lethal.
This is just a random thought that crossed my neural paths and I figured I'd post about it. Drive carefully and be safe on the roads everybody. You never know what you'll come across traversing the many roads and highways....

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