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Saturday, July 5, 2014


I love to laugh. No doubt. I do. Sometimes it's because there really is something funny to laugh about. Other times.... Well, not so much. I know that I have the oddest sense of humor and that I find the strangest things to be quite amusing. I laugh because it feels good, regardless of what's going on. I try to make light of any situation and get those around me to laugh. There really is something to be said about the healing power of laughter. Really. Granted, there are times when laughter is not appropriate. It's not like I'm a giggling idiot all the time. (Just SOME of the time...) It's not that laughing is the only thing I do. Sure I cry, I scream, I pout, I whatever, but by far and away, I think laughing is one of my favorite things to do. I'm not talking about the laughing that some will do at other peoples' expenses nor am I talking about the malicious laughter that comes from people making light of others' woes. I am talking about the type of laughter that comes from a place that fills one with a joy and heals a person. Think about the purity of the laughter that comes from kids playing or babies giggling because they have toes... I think there are a lot of people who should try it more often.

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