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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The yumminess comes.....

I wouldn't say I'm great in the kitchen. I slap together meals and they're edible. Ya know? I function... There are times when I get the opportunities to go all out (although rare) and make up the concoctions that I love. Bold, rich flavors or spicy yumminess or whatever. Stuff I wouldn't normally be able to put down in front of the kids and expect them to eat.
AND if it's a craving that I'm trying to satisfy and I'm super mega hungry? O!M!G! Is it me or does it seem like it takes FOREVER for whatever it is to finish cooking... WRETCHED! You smell the tasty deliciousness and it's right there and you're so close, but still so far away.... DANG! I've literally stood at the timer and counted down seconds and minutes. (As a side note, half cooked anything that should be cooked all the way through should NOT be consumed.... Bad things... Bad, BAD things...)
I keep a supply of beef jerky and nut bars at my disposal all the time. The thing of it is, I have the metabolism of a Tasmanian devil. I could burn the calories of a pizza just lifting the slices to my face and chewing. Some people hate me for it. Thing of it is, it's not a fun thing to live with. I forget to eat sometimes or I just ignore the "hungry" when I'm in the middle of something. Then I go from being fine one second to having blood sugar issues the next. Fun. So I have a nut bar and some jerky. Then I get REALLY hungry. That's when the cooking process can't happen soon enough... I can't win.
Pfft.... Quirk.

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