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Friday, June 27, 2014

The interwebz...

The internet is a great source of entertainment, information and communicating with people all over the world. There are so many social networks that people are plugged in to and forums for discussions of every variety. It's awesome! Having an "argument" or "heated debate" with a nameless, faceless individual about a very hot topic is great. You both passionately argue your point and go back and forth with each other and all without fear of repercussion, rejection, loss of a friend, whatever. It's great. Some of my greatest "arguments" have taken place via the internet. I print them out and save them. I pass them around to people, I get other people's opinions about how my arguments and points that I brought up were, where they were valid and where they were not. It helps to make me a better "arguer". A good portion of the time, we have a great big laugh over it, sometimes it sparks another discussion. Discussions that lead to back stories and first hand accounts and facts lined up side by side. Lo and behold, some times light gets shone onto certain aspects that some believed to be invalid points until certain facts are brought into an unfinished equation. That's when real conclusions are able to be drawn.
I think some of the most fun I have are discussions about religion. It's sad to me that my being "unaffiliated", I know more about the certain aspects about somebody else's religion when they are supposedly "devout". Sigh.... I suppose it's easy to hide behind the cloak of the internet and talk a good game in the comfort and safety of the webz... Speaking up and out on a soapbox on the internet is one thing, but being able to do it in real life as well... THAT'S where it's at. So I do or I try to and in the appropriate venues. I bring the internet with me in the form of print outs and hone my skills of observation and debating skills. It's been quite enlightening for many involved. Heck, I've even brought along other sources of information and I've learned quite a bit myself and I'm still learning quite a bit.
There are so many broad topics out there in the world that can spark great conversations or debates. I won't be able to jump in on all of them, but I figure, if every day is supposed to be a learning process, I might as well keep filling my mind up with as much as it can take and keep on going. With the "net" it makes it so easy...

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