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Friday, June 6, 2014


There are certain things that frustrate me to no end. Stupidity is one of them. I get how there are times when the "Duh..." hits me and you can practically see the vacant look in my eyes and the drool seeping out of the corner of my mouth... But watching the stupidity of others or worse, experiencing the stupidity of others first hand..... Ugh! It drives me up a wall! I mean, I'll laugh about it all later and share the experience with Lucky and my friends and then we all have a great laugh about it and turn it into the joke of the day, but there is a certain icky feeling to have to put up with it in the first place, no?
I mean, stupidity comes in a variety of flavors, shapes and sizes.  All of them are annoying to deal with and any one of them is a challenge for those of us who are not all ZEN in our day to day lives... We live in "proper" society now where we can't just beat people over the head with a club and walk away... Nope. We have to grit our teeth and smile and claw at the wall behind us and silently rage inside... Thankfully, the tides do change... There are some cases though that what goes around does come around and the very same tactics used on me, can be used back on them. Childish and petty? Perhaps... But sticking in the screws and twisting them oh so slowly and play dumb and stupid about it later as the last laugh? Priceless... Makes the whole thing worthwhile.

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