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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Another reason I hate people....

Why do some people feel the need to add in their two cents, even though I never asked for it? And of course, what they contribute is so stupid and inane that I can FEEL my own IQ points clicking downwards just from having listened to whatever the idiot was nannering on about and I feel the need to walk away before I get dragged down into the abyss that is their idiocy... I mean, when I ask for an opinion and it's a stupid point of view, at least I asked for it and I can shake it off and move along. But when the point comes unsolicited by a person who knows not the whole situation or none of it, what is the fuckin' point? I think it best for these people to shut the fuck up and go away, but they don't. Even when I say, "Shut the fuck up and go away!" they don't... They stay and offer suggestions and chip in... It's the BEST when it comes from someone who is about as smart as a bowl of gravy. You know the type. As sharp as a marble... I deal with this way too often and I'm really not too sure how to deal with it. walking away works on occasion, so does screaming like a banshee until they shut their traps and walk away on their own. Succinct works well too: "You're an idiot and I really don't want to hear your opinion and I really don't care what you have to say. You're an ass, go away!" sometimes works.
I want a shirt that says: If I want your fuckin' opinion... Well, that'll never happen!
I'm just sayin'....

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