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Saturday, June 7, 2014


I think the very epitome of desperation is the toilet paper thing. It doesn't matter where it happens... Whether it's at home, in a public restroom or a friend's house. I don't give a crap what you people say, it's happened to EVERYONE at least once in their lives. AT LEAST ONCE!
I live in a household with four children... One and a half bathrooms... (You do the math...) Three boys who poop at least four times a day (what is the DEAL WITH THAT!??!??) and a little girl  who LOVES to put a little paper into the toilet and flush so that she could watch the paper spin off the roll into the toilet.
Although I have gotten a lot better about getting into the habit of making sure that there's paper in the bathroom before I go, there are still times when I forget. Maybe I was tired or still half asleep... Maybe it was because I had JUST replaced the roll not more than a couple of hours ago and thought, "There is NO WAY in HELL there isn't going to be TP on the roll..."
It's a pretty crappy feeling... Sometimes literally... Eeyew... TMI...
So you sit there cursing the empty toilet paper roll for not magically having more paper on it and you contemplate what the next course of action will be or could be... A quick inventory and look around to see where the nearest roll could/ would be or is, then trying to manipulate your body and a combination of objects in order to reach the roll...
There have been many clever plans hatched when in this position, but most will never be known... Unless... Someone accidentally walks in because you forgot to lock the door... And you're found practically bent in half on the throne, with a plunger, a shoelace, a coat hanger, a bar of soap, the empty toilet paper roll, a tissue box cozy, and a bottle of aspirin... MacGyver would've been proud!

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