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Friday, June 13, 2014

What's with the cat?

So, the question finally came about... (I thought it might eventually...) "It seems like you see yourself as a cat... Most of your posts here and on FB, especially about you, have a picture of a cat... Why?"
Well, it's not that I see myself as catlike for most of the obvious reasons. Cats are broody and moody and will be super friendly and with one quick turn will become vicious and will lash out unprovoked because the mood struck them. But they are also sleek and agile, evil and cunning, ferocious and deadly. I see myself more as the tenth cat... Let me explain:
9 out of 10 cats will fall and land on their feet. I, much like that tenth cat, will land on my face.
9 out of 10 cats are natural hunters and are able to hunt down quick prey. I, much like the tenth cat, will hunt down the most comfortable place to sit or lay and may or may not stir unless food is brought directly to me.
9 out of 10 cats are agile and lithe. I, much like the tenth cat, am a spaz of biblical proportions and have been known to crash into walls and trip on my feet while standing still.
9 out of 10 cats are indeed evil and cunning. The evil part I may agree with, but I feel bad after a while and much like my counterpart, the tenth cat, cunning? No. I'm about as clever as navel lint.
As far as deadly and ferocious? Maybe on taco night... But that's a WHOLE DIFFERENT KIND of deadly and ferocious. I've been known to offend the dog and he ate poop...
Yeah... That's the explanation. It's not really that I see myself as a cat by standard definition... I relate to the tenth cat...
Oh... That and I am the Kittenpuddles to my dearest Puppy Guts...

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