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Monday, June 9, 2014

Breeding hate...

I've been saying all along that the world is going to hell in a hand basket for quite some time and people suck. The state of the world is both pathetic and a bit scary. I feel bad for the next generation that has to live in it. I frightens me to no end that there is a possibility that instead of getting fixed, it's going to get worse. Let me explain....

Looking at the kids today, they are more rude, nasty, self righteous, cowardly, bullies who lie, cheat, steal and are completely self serving and selfish... Just like their parents.

Some "parents" treat their children more like accessories than blessings, and if they aren't "needed" the children are thrown and left to their own devices with electronic doodads and gizmos and rely on the internet and TV to raise them. It's pathetic. "Actively parenting" to them simply means acknowledging the short people that live in the same house once in a while... I'm sure you've come across the type.
You have those "parents" who feed their children bullshit and imprint upon small impressionable minds to hate on those who remind these "adults" everything that they hated about themselves when they were growing up.

Pageant parents. Have you ever seen some of the parents? They are as ugly as sin. Most of them are fat to boot. They take their children (anywhere from 2-16) and dress them up and make them look like miniature prostitutes (and every pedophiles' wet dream)... The "parents grew up fat and ugly and feel the need to live vicariously through their kids... Whatever...

There are the "ignuh'int parents" who grew up with hate in their lives and continue the cycle by teaching their children to hate people for the same reasons they did... You know... "Just because..."
Don't even get me started on "hate crime" nonsense. If you think about it, most crime is about hate. Do you think  people are committing crime for the love of humanity? I don't fuckin' think so.

‎"Raising kids" ain't for pansies. I'm not talking about spooging them out and leaving them to their own devices. That's not raising them. I am talking about RAISING them to be moral and upright and resilient normally functioning and thinking individuals. I may not be doing anything too important to leave an amazing legacy, but I'm doing my damnedest to make sure that I raise my children in a manner that THEY will be able to leave a great legacy. One that they can be proud of.

When I become Supreme Royal Highness and Ruler of EVERYTHING, things will change... :p

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