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Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I find that the whole Faceboook thing is such a hoot. I've come across a lot of people that I probably wouldn't have some across under "normal" circumstances and it's been great communicating with people all over the world. I have to tell you though... There are lurkers out there who just stalk around on people's pages, just because. (Creepy if you think about it, but whatever...) And the people who take the stuff WAY too seriously. C'mon... You know at least one or two on your "friend list" who get a little too obsessed about this shit.... They give the minute by minute details of everything that they do in the newsfeed... Or take what the posts a little too seriously... Really? FB is a source of entertainment... It's not life.
Lucky and I discussed this the other day and how sad it must be for the people who believe that everything has to be on the FB, otherwise it's not real. We have fun with the FB thing. It's a source of amusement and entertainment as well as a chance to communicate with people that we may not get to talk to any other way. And of course our "friends" know the type of people that we are and know us well enough to understand our posts and whatnot. You really can't get a real sense of a person just because of Facebook. Really.... I think that's a HUGE problem with the world today. People aren't talking face to face any more. They communicate with each other electronically, missing out on the subtle nuances of a face to face conversation. Basing one's opinion of a person purely on virtual postings is sad. People try and claim to know someone purely from what gets put up on FB or some other type of cyber based outlet. (FB me is SO much cooler than real life me...)
I mean, I think that someone who knows me ONLY on FB would find that I'm still not quite what they imagined when they do actually meet me. The certain inflections of my voice, the way I am, the way I carry myself, my abrasive nature, my passions for certain things, my displeasure in many others. The written/ typed word hides so much... You really don't get the feeling and emotion behind any of it...
And of course, my posts to my Puppy Guts... They always seem so hollow and empty. I mean, I know that Lucky feels the intent behind the words and knows that there is so much more than just the words themselves. And just the same, I feel the intent behind the words he puts up for me. It's the way we live our lives and love one another that makes it all real... Not some stupid website... Life is better lived for really real. Besides, FB doesn't have the bandwidth to keep up with us anyway...

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