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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Women are weird like that...

The difference between men and women and the whole chaos it causes is something that brings me much entertainment and amusement. I've posted a few times about God's cruelest joke on humankind. Viva la difference, baby! I mean, I love to joke about how women are NOT from Venus and actually erupted from the bowels of a certain area of Hell called Sadistica.

It's funny to watch the certain interactions between men and women. Whether it be out in public or at a friend's house, it amuses me to no end to see the different couples and how they act and interact, the roles they play and the way they deal with each other. People watching is a quirk of mine, but it's fun. It's a great way to learn about human nature and about people in general. You can tell a lot about a person when you watch them when they think they aren't being watched, especially when they are in a habitat like at a mall or, you know... Wherever... But seriously, as much as I think the male of the species are a bunch of weirdos, women aren't really any better. Hormones don't make it any better. Each of the sexes is wrought with their own set of different quirks, but damn! Then add to the mix the fact that people are all different...... It's the reason why I choose not to be a part of things going on around me. I just like to watch. It brings me endless amusement.

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