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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ghost stories....

Come on... Who hasn't told one or been told or been freaked out by a ghost story at some point in time in their lives? Summertime fun! Telling ghost stories at a slumber party or camping around a campfire or whatever... The creepy descriptions of the blood and gore, the eerie "happenings" and "occurrences" , the "WAH-BOOGIE!" endings and the one kid who always pees himself or starts crying or both.... It's totally part of the summertime fun!
In Japan, the summers are stupid hot and humid, so what they do is build these really creepy, scary haunted houses. Okay... You're probably like, "Scary? A haunted house? Mia... Are you serious? Baby stuff!" but think about it for a second.... Have you ever watched any Japanese horror flicks? I mean the real ones? 'Nuff said.
They say that it's rather refreshing and cooling to get that goose bumpy feeling and it helps cool a person down... I once went to one when I was still small and I was SO bad, the "workers" i.e. the monsters, ghosts and other creepy things, came out of "character" to tell me to leave. Of course, when they approached me, I freaked out even more and started throwing kicks and punches.... And rocks and sticks and other large heavy objects and destroyed their "set".... I wasn't allowed back. Ever....
Ahh.... Summer time fun. Good times.... Goooooood times!

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