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Thursday, August 7, 2014

OUR Constitution and OUR Bill of Rights......

How quickly we have fallen down the slippery slope. Having those elected into power determining what's good for us.... And we complain that they have too much control. Here we are, supposedly living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, but in looking around, what I see is frightening. Is it wrong that I really don't see our country as the great nation I once used to think it was? (It's not that I'm any less patriotic, I am a proud American and despite my Japanese-y ness, I bleed red white and blue. I just happen to be of Japanese descent.)
I mean, what the fuck is going on??!?? I mean not just a little. I really hate to think that Americans as a whole have been dumbed down so much that even though our very God given right, rights which this country of our were founded on, are being stripped away from the American people little by little and we're basically "allowing" it to happen. What's scarier is that most people are completely unaware that this is happening.
The next generation is being turned into a bunch of mindless unquestioning clones (as the school curriculums have changed quite a bit over the years and continue to change. "The man" is omitting VERY important pieces of American history and "tweaking" the course of events as not to offend certain cultures.... What's it called now? Common Core? Oh yeah. It's that bad...) and what's worse, a majority of the American people aren't seeing that either. Everything has been dumbed down to the lowest common denominator so as not to "leave any child behind". Instead of helping those underachieving children catch up to where the rest of the kids are and need to be, we instead have dumbed down the ENTIRE curriculum...... Get this. Math isn't just about 1+1=2 any more. There's supposedly a "process" and as long as the child has the "process" correct, then 1+1 could equal 3 and it would still be right.... Math is math is math is math. No matter where you go, no matter what language you speak, math is constant. 1+1=2. That's it. It's not a matter of "hurting a child's feelings and not wanting to destroy their self esteem". Wrong is wrong. The end.
So now, in the meantime, other countries around us are laughing in our general direction as we cater to the stupid and inept. We nurture imperfection and the mediocre. We support the weak minded simpletons. Watching, as we create our destruction and downfall. A destruction and downfall that is happening from the inside and all they need to do is watch and giggle and be ready to pounce when the dust settles and then fight over the scraps that will be left of us, as we will be unable to do anything but watch.

What's going on in our country disgraces us. We are once again a country divided. I'm not talking sibling spat kind of divided. I am talking about the deep, down to the bone divisions that start rending a whole to pieces. And with the battle lines drawn and both sides staring down their noses at the other, the "powers that be" are having a field day turning the country upside down, making the country its piggy bank, shaping it to suit their own needs right behind our backs and the only thing the people are doing is blaming the other side for what's going on. WAKE UP!
How much further do we really have to fall before everyone is going to realize what's going on?
And still, in the meantime, we have people occupying wherever, sitting around on their asses, holding up signs and waiting around for someone else to step in to make things all better. And, of course these "occupiers" are truly thinking that they're making some kind of difference, when, really? Their "movement" has become nothing short of a joke.
I'm really not too sure what they were hoping to accomplish anyway. This country wasn't exactly founded by sitting around holding signs. It was founded with blood, sweat and tears, fought for and died for before change occurred and stuff happened. This country was made great by men and women who stood up and actually DID something. Saw a wrong and did what they could to correct it by getting up and out and making the changes that they wanted to see. And here we are with thousands of people, all the fuck over the place, sitting around for hope and expecting change and nothing is getting done. Well, duh! Didn't we already learn a valuable lesson about that hope-y/ change-y shit? Especially when these whiners are basically asking the very same people who created the problems in the first place to fix the problems that they're whining about. Yeah, right... Sure..... Silly morons....
The very powers or those with the power are loving what's become of the country because we've become misinformed sheep who are easy to lead because Americans have been made to be mindless drones doing all of the work.
The very systems that were originally put in to place with the very best of intentions have been turned inside out, and upside down to suit the needs of the powerful. Mind you, we the people, allowed for all these changes to occur over time..... With new laws and changes that had to be made because some self righteous ass decided that something wasn't going his way therefore was unfair, so he called a lawyer and sued.... And won....  Or some elected official didn't like something and had a vote to get things amended. These systems then started to change into something very different over the course of time, over frivolous shit and still, "we the people" didn't question it. So NOW we're surprised that we don't like what it's all become? I mean really.... To want frivolous changes because it's "unconstitutional" and making changes to the very thing that outlines our rights as American citizens..... Huh?
I am not politically educated. I have no idea as to what's going on with every detail of all the crap and changes and laws and whatnot. I don't get into politics or into political discussions because I don't know enough about politics to have an intelligent conversation with someone about it. But what I do see is that if the majority of the people are not seeing the very obvious that even someone like myself is seeing. We have bigger issues here... I'm kind of scared......

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