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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Less Than "Personable" Mug.....

I usually wear quite a puss on my mug that may seem less than friendly and approachable. It's not that I'm a completely unapproachable person, it's just that most of the time, I really can't be bothered with most people. I have "resting bitch face".

I've tried to explain in so many different posts how much people really and truly disappoint and piss me off. People are petty and selfish and self centered and just downright rotten. I don't need the approval of most people, especially because I really don't give a shit about their opinions of me anyway and I really believe that those who DO matter to me, have already accepted me for who I am and love me BECAUSE of who I am and not DESPITE of.

It's not that I am completely and totally antisocial either. I can get along with people just fine. It's just that most of the time, I just don't want to. I'm so tired of having to "play nice" with a bunch of useless tits that I really want nothing to do with. If we start off right from the get go, "I don't like you, you don't have to like me. We can be civil. Let's just go on about our own merry little ways..." and be done with it, life would be simple, no? Why should I have to pretend that something is otherwise? Why should someone else? I mean, sure. Occasionally, I'll have to. I can't constantly be stomping around and not making nice. I get it.

It's surprising to me though, now that I've started doing this a lot more often, how "charming" and "cool" people find me.... :s Wasn't my intention.....Really.  I need to go back into my corner and reevaluate this.... I don't think they quite got that I didn't want to be their friend and that I don't want them to try harder to get me to like them because it's not going to happen.... It might be that I have to work on my "less than personable mug" again. Damn.... I thought I had it perfected too....

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