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Sunday, August 10, 2014


Grammar isn't one of my strong suits. Hell, stringing together words to form coherent sentences isn't a strong suit of mine either. Neither is vocabulary, proper conjugations of verbs, sentence structure,  properly articulating thoughts adequately, conveying what it is that I'm trying to get across without losing the meaning of what I'm trying to say. Nouning verbs and verbing nouns? Fuggedaboutit!  And symantics? Ugh..... I am also VERY guilty of making up my own words. But somehow, I manage to get across in some basic and screwed up way what it is that I'm trying to say. Those closest to me actually understand my Mia-nese and what's scarier still is that my language is catching on. I now have people actually USING words like "dippy stuff", "nom-ostiy of the nommy nom nom", "the dooj", "funnest" among others. It's actually kind of crazy! I'm all sorts of unvocabularizing people with my really good -ness! Let the funness continue! Yup..... Puppy Guts' mom is cringing right now and her eye is SO twitching and she doesn't even know why.......

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