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Monday, August 18, 2014

Kids and Playtime.....

I love watching kids play. It seems that their imaginations are boundless and it's rather cool to see them "living out" whatever it is that they're playing. The story lines that they come up with and as they go along, they fill in the plot and flesh things out.... It's really rather amazing.

I try not to make it look like I'm listening in because I think I'd end up making them all paranoid and the creative juices would stop flowing as freely, but I try to listen as much as I can. And I write a lot of it down.... I've been doing it for years. In fact, the books (one published, the other two are currently getting there eventually....) are all stories that I had written down from their many "adventures". Yup.... A little trivia there for you...

Yeah.... There's no limit to the things one can imagine and I think that a hyperactive imagination is such an asset, especially for children. It is an asset that should be nurtured and encouraged. I think that's what the problem with today's youth is. They're usually plugged into some stupid video game or iSomthing or another or watching some fucktarded cartoon or show. They aren't really given or taking the time to use their own imaginations to come up with new things and playing. Their imaginations are just being sucked out of them via electronic gadgets and doodads. And there aren't too many people who are paying attention enough and seeing that. WAKE UP PARENTS!!!!!!!

What we are engineering here, by allowing our kids to plug into their electronics and hindering their imaginations, is the next generation of mindless sheep. Easy to manipulate, easy to control, easy to rule over.... At the rate things are going, as we breed more stupidity and unimaginative non-innovators, we are spiraling downwards and we are going to be looking at some really dark times here. Something as simple as letting the kids PLAY and run around and imagine things and create things and let them be creative can help kids to be more fulfilled people.

It may be surprising to some people, but kids actually DO learn a lot from "free play". They learn about compassion, they learn about themselves, they learn about how to use their surroundings. They learn about how they can get along in life.... Imagine a wild lion cub playing with his father's tail. It may look all cute and stuff as the cub pounces on dad's tail, but the reality is, that cub is learning the basics to becoming what will be his full potential as a hunter and predator. "Pretend play", as it were. It's not too different from what children are doing when they are pretending and imagining and creating and playing. Shaping them to become the full potentials of what they will become.

It's high time we take back our children from the lures of electronic doodads and doo hickies and get them playing for real. Seriously. Their futures depend on it.

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