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Monday, March 31, 2014


There are so many roles that a parent has to play. Sometimes it is the role of the compassionate caregiver, sometimes it is the role of the iron fisted tyrant. Sometimes it is the role of the lay-er down of rules, it is the role of friend, it is the role of listener, it is the role of mighty vanquisher of bugs and nightmares... Maid, chef, referee, nurse, diaper changing, butt wiping, snot cleaning, spill mopping, homework helping, fixer of things broken. The list goes on and on. Seriously... Then there are times when we have to play the role of the game player... I'm not talking about Chutes and Ladders, Trouble or Pictionary... I am talking about the NOT fun games. Like "Whadju DO?" or "It's going to cost me HOW MUCH?" or "It's ten o'clock at night... Why are you still up? Okay, let's see what it takes to get you to fall asleep..." or how about the ever favorite "What the HECK is that smell?" or even worse, "Where the HECK is that SMELL coming from??!??". 
Frustration ABOUND comes from wearing ALL the different hats at any given time during the day. It can change from one minute to the next. Then when there is more than one child... YEESH! "Multiple personality syndrome" doesn't even begin to cover it!
I get asked, "Four kids? How do you do it?" It's dead simple to answer really. I roll with the punches and deal. You will never find a more perfect love that's unconditional and pure. It's worth every bit of the effort you put in to it and it's damn worth it for me because I have the greatest kids on the face of the planet. Plus I have a weird sense of humor. That helps a lot too.

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