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Monday, March 24, 2014

Kids and their explanation of stuff...

If you're trying to get the explanation about what happened in a situation, never ask a child. I mean, I get the whole concept of" if twenty people witnessed an event and you asked them what happened, you're going to get twenty differing answers". But if one of those twenty was a child, the answer is going to be something that may or may not jive with ANYTHING that ANYBODY said.
We once had a mouse in the house. It was two of the children who saw it. I heard them scream from the kitchen as I sat in the TV room and I rushed in to see what the commotion was about. "MOMMYMOUSEITWENTOVERTHEREITWASLIKETHISBIGITWASHUGE!" Run on sentence from hell and it sounded like it was all one word... The two of them were hugging on to one another and practically in tears as they explained what happened and described the mouse. The way I understood it, it was the size of a German shepard, it had huge fangs with blood dripping off of them, it had a crazed look in it's beady, glowing, red eyes, and this vicious animal was trying to eat them.
I caught the mouse in one of those "Have-a-Heart" traps. A standard little brown mouse, about an inch long without the tail, black eyes, shivering and scared out of its tiny little mind. I put it in one of those plastic bug carriers for the boys to take a look at after they got home from school. Well, the way they tell it, this was probably not the mouse that they saw because the one they saw was WAY bigger and much more vicious... So, watch out for gigantic, dangerous, vicious rodents. They're coming for your kids I guess...

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