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Friday, March 1, 2013


You know, it's not that I mind that people have their kids out and about. I really don't have a problem with that. There are times when I have to bring mine with me when I have to go out to the market or something. Yeah, it's easier to get things done when it's just me, but sometimes, I don't have a choice. My children are well behaved, help out, are relatively polite and don't act like a bunch of assholes. My kids are not like little wild animals running around and screaming like little fucking maniacs in a store.

THEN you get the REAL winners. The kids screaming up and down the aisles, whining about wanting candy and cookies and frozen tv dinners and all sorts of crap. They claim they're tired and bored and hungry and sleepy and need to go to the bathroom. They're rolling around on the floors and kicking and throwing tantrums. They're crying and yelling and fighting and touching everything. They bump into everything and everyone and knocking shit down..... I swear, it takes everything I have not to pick those kids up and shake the bejesus out of them, tell them to shut the fuck up and drop them before beating the crap out of the parents. What the fuck?

My commentary is going to be rather brief about this topic because I could go on for DAYS on this subject. I understand that sometimes, a child will have a bad day and that tantrums happen, but it shouldn't be made EVERYONE'S mother fucking problem when out in public. But this excuse does NOT FLY when it's all of the kids, all at once and the only thing that the parent is doing is smiling the "kids will be kids" smile and makes stupid and sad excuses for her little shits. Seriously. Some people should have to have a license and take a test in order to have kids. Others should just be sterilized for the sake of humanity. Wait 'til I take over the world. Three words. Culling of population.

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