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Sunday, March 10, 2013

The more things stay the same......

My parents always hoped that the things they saw in me as "flaws" would change over time and that they were just phases that I was going through. My parents always hoped that I would become something that I'm not. My parents always hoped that I would follow in their footsteps and become people just like them. My parents always hoped that everything that I was, was just a phase I would grow out of. They hoped that I wouldn't continue to be their greatest disappointment, their greatest mistake, their greatest shame, their greatest failure in life.

Well, sorry to disappoint yet again, parental units. It turns out that despite the many years of you trying to mold me, scold me, punish me and subject me to physical reprimands and what I feel to be nothing short of mental abuse, I turned out to be the exact opposite of what you had hoped for and I remained your greatest disappointment, your greatest mistake, your greatest shame, your greatest failure in life. A fact that they remind me of at every opportunity they have. What bugs them most of all is that although it used to bother me when they told me so, it no longer carries any weight with me. It no longer upsets me, and it brings me some joy and makes me smile and giggle, which in turn bugs the ever loving shit out of them, which in turn brings me quite a bit of amusement.

I've never hidden the fact that my parents and I are part of a dysfunctional family. Honestly. Mine is the perfect fodder for a comedy/ satire show about the epitome of "dysfunctional family". Between a cultural barrier, and a language barrier, anad just an all around disrespect of one another all around because I think they're a couple of assholes and they think I should respect them anyway. Pfft.... Ain't happening. I've finally gotten it to the point where they go about their business, and I go about mine. 10 word exchange per day maximum. Perfect.

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