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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Control? Sounds more like "tyranny".....

Okay.... I've been tossing around whether or not I was going to touch on this subject, but today, I'm gonna touch on it a lot. Seriously. Because, I'm getting more pissed off about all of this as the days pass.

What the fuck am I talking about? Gun control. This is where I'm going today. If you find the topic offensive, then might I suggest you go away and come back on a different day. Oh, and to let you know, I am for keeping the private sector armed and their names NOT be made public. The whole "leave me and my guns alone" side of the argument, so..... Make your decision now as to whether you want to stay and listen to me rant about this..... GO ahead. It's okay. I understand. (Not really..... I mean, it's our RIGHT as AMERICANS to be able to arm and protect ourselves and our families, but if it's that your fears are keeping you from seeing that and your fears that are wanting for the government to disarm ALL of us because of your fears, well, I'd much rather you go fuck off now. Since when has it been okay for anyone to infringe on MY constitutional rights anyway? Don't fucking judge me because you're a moron. Go be stupid somewhere else. Thank you.)

Well, seeing as how you're still here and reading along, it's either because you want to "listen" to what I have to say to agree with me, to learn something, or to mock and laugh. Whatever. It boils down to this. Disarming the private sector? HUGE mistake. I'm not talking for the "people in charge" or for the sake of safety for everyone. I am talking about Hitler/ Pol Pot type bad idea. They disarmed the private sectors before they took tyrannical holds over everyone and everything....

Well, let's break this all down and touch on some stuff here. Alright. The argument that when our forefathers wrote up the Constitution, the technology that we have now, wasn't even imagined then. But times DO change and as we move forward, those inalienable rights are stil inalienable. By what is written, the second amendment is really more about our right to be able to protect ourselves, our rights, our freedoms as Americans. And as far as the word "militia', which is where a lot of people get hung up, well, gosh darn skippy, every American is part of the country's "militia". If something were to happen, and, by chance, there were no "military branches" any more or something, and we all got called to stand up and fight, guess what? Grab your torches and pitchforks people!

Just because we were to "get rid of the guns", or make guns illegal and stuff for the private sector, does that really make them "disappear" all together? Creating more "gun free zone"s is not going to make a person hell bent on hurting/ killing people stop and think, "Oh.... Gun free..... I guess I can't go on my killing spree here...." Nope...... It creates those "killing boxes". Like shooting fish in a barrel. Bad guys are always going to be bad guys. Take away the right to bear arms from your every day average "good guy", and there is more of a chance that the bad guys are going to cause more harm.

Disarm everyone and it's just going to create more creative criminals with crazier ideas. I mean, think about all of the mass shootings that we DO hear about. They are all unarmed people, stuck inside a killing box (created by mindless and fearful sheep / "the management"), and the media and government are blaming the guns for all of those deaths and injuries. Huh? Since when did we start blaming an inanimate object / a tool for the destruction of people's lives? So, what we are being told is that we shouldn't blame the person pulling the trigger. It's not their fault. It was mental instability, therefore the pharmaceutical companies and the fact that access to weapons is simple and easy, even though it's not, therefore, we shouldn't have them be so readily available.... Sounds like mental masterbation and absolute retarded fucktardery to me. No wonder we see so many people who WON'T take responsibility for any of their actions or words. This is what our country has become. Point the finger and blame someone else. Great.

I mean, imagine for a moment that we could POOF! make all the guns in the world disappear. Right off the top of my head, I could come up with a whole mess of different ways a sick individual would be able to kill a whole bunch of people without shooting them. Then what? Are we supposed to start banning everything? It will come to a point where we aren't allowed to do anything and we would all be armless, legless, toothless, sitting in a cart, because any potential method of killing other individuals will end up needing to be banned and stripped from us. Sounds ridiculous? Pfft.....

And while the gun ban issues are being pushed forward, as we hear about how guns are killing people, there are those of us who won't just listen and agree. We like to think for ourselves. So, as one of those, I'd like to ask, WHY THE FUCK IS IT  THAT WE WON'T EVER HEAR ABOUT THE ARMED PRIVATE CITIZENS WHO SAVED COUNTLESS LIVES BECAUSE THEY HAPPENED TO BE OUT AND ABOUT WHEN OTHER MASS SHOOTINGS TOOK PLACE??????? You don't get to hear about as many of those in the news. We should, but we don't.

Why? You may be asking yourselves. I mean, if you saw both sides of the argument, you'd be able to make an informed decision about what's best for you, your family, your lives and how our government should be run, right? Yup. THAT IS the point. These are all decisions that are being made FOR US. It's just being spoon fed to the sheep in small doses sprinkled with candy and sugar and antifreeze, to make it all palatable and kill off their brain cells a little at a time. That way, when our country IS completely taken over by a communist regime and everything goes to shit, the soft headed masses can only be left wondering what happened, and be powerless to do anything about it.

It starts with taking away power from the people. I mean, remember that our elected officials are supposed to be working FOR US? How's that working out for you? They live extravagant lives on our dimes. (Let me tell you, if they were working for minimum wage, we'd SURELY see a change in "the system" might quick.....) Yup... These so called "elected officials" are supposed to be working FOR US. What other job can a "hired employee" get paid more money than "the boss", treat the hirer like shit and get away with lying, stealing and cheating as much as politicians do?

So what's going on? Well, we're slowly being stripped away of everything that America is supposed to be for Americans. "Undocumented aliens" are given as much rights and freedoms as REAL citizens, if not more, and our civil liberties are being taken away, the enumerated rights, outlined by our forefathers, worded to stand the test of time as we continue to move forward, are being yanked away. And the only things that the petty small minded morons are doing is starting little civil spats amongst themselves when the fight REALLY should be taken to those "employees" who are supposed to be working for US and give them an all American smack down. But no. I guess it's much more important to keep having to listen to the propaganda and watch as the mindless sheeple buy into the bullshit that they hear every day and spew to those of us who won't bow down, the stuff they hear, verbatim.

All I have to say is, when the shit hits the fan, and I am able to protect me and mine, don't come knockin' on MY door, begging and pleading for help. It was YOUR responsibility to make sure that you took advantage of your civil liberties to do everything you could to ensure the safety of you and yours. It's not to say that I have a blanket protection from anything and everything me or my family will come across in life, but at least I have peace of mind knowing that I have some control over violence coming to my door.  Well, more control than someone who's only option is dialing 9-1-1.

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