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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chef Mia.....

I love cooking. I'm not necessarily saying I'm any good at it, but I love being in the kitchen and whipping up concoctions of all sorts. Sometimes, if I'm feeling REALLY weird, I'll pretend that I'm on my own cooking show too:
"Add some of THIS shit, and aww fuck it! Throw some of this other shit in here too!"

It's pretty amusing. Well, it's amusing to me and I really only do it to amuse myself....

So, buying ingredients at the store is always a challenge, because I can almost taste the end result and I know how to get there, it's just that sometimes, the coming together of the flavors is difficult to achieve because I have a specific formula in my mind and sometimes, it doesn't quite work out in my favor the way I have it shaped in my mind. I'll admit, my secret formulas are hit or miss and thankfully, Puppy Guts seems to think that the things coming out of the kitchen are ALL fabulous and he will choke down anything I put in front of him, (the sweet man!) and pretend to happily eat it.

We've been trying to expand our tastes and palates by trying some new stuff. Both Puppy Guts and I are food people and we love to eat. Sure, we'll make it out to eat on occasion, but I love the idea of us being in the kitchen together and coming up with our own meals.

We just have to remember to leave the windows open BEFORE the smoke alarms go off though..... Yes. Smoke detector. More often times than not.

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