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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Farts happen.....

I dont' get the people who get all squeamish around their "significant others" over certain bodily functions and stuff like that. Closing doors when it's just the two of them to go make potty. They will go into a different room to blow their nose or fart or something. They can't be in the bathroom at the same time while ones shaves something and the other brushes their teeth. They can share in naked sexy time, but everything else is off limits? I'm also betting dollars to doughnuts that these are also the same kind of people who have sex with the lights out or at the very least, under a sheet or blanket or something.....

I've never really quite understood it though. I mean, it's obvious that everyone poops, everyone pees, everyone burps, farts, has to blow their nose, grooms themselves, etc. and yet, two people who are supposed to be sharing intimacies feel the need to put up barriers. Things they don't discuss. Things they don't talk about. Things they don't do in front of one another. And all because....

My belief is that there shouldn't BE any barriers of any variety. I mean honestly. Isn't that what true "unconditional love" is supposed to be about? Compatibility to the point where nothing else matters and that EVERY aspect and EVERYTHING between two people are completely shared. I don't know. Just a something rattling around in my head as I type this from the potty as Puppy Guts shaves......

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