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Friday, March 29, 2013

I AM this person......

I AM this person. It's actually pretty strange listening to someone describe you to another person. I actually listened to someone describing me to someone else one time not knowing it was ME they were describing and I thought, "WOW! That person sounds SO weird!" When I realized that it was me they were describing, I had an "Oh, yeah.... That DOES sound like me...." moment and the moment passed.

I suppose my quirks and odd behaviors do make me rather awkward sometimes. It's not to say that I don't have friends or can't carry on in a social environment. That's not true at all. Most people just think I'm funny and REALLY don't get that I AM that way in real life and it isn't just some persona that I put on in a social environment. I think that's what brings me the most amusement: When someone realizes that I really AM that way all the time.....

1 comment:

  1. When people realize that you are truly THAT person, we find you FREAKING AMAZING!! You ROCK Mia..on the good days AND the bad! SNOOCHIES!
