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Monday, March 18, 2013

Pfft! Don't care.....

I don't get why people feel the need to make me have to believe the importance of their feelings/ beliefs/ causes/ or whatever when I have made it perfectly clear that I really don't give a shit either way. You know the type. They crave the attention a little too much. They whine and cry and bitch and complain about everything and they try so hard to get others' attentions by laying on some sob story or something and try and get people to give a shit about their sad stupid shit, when it's obvious that everyone else has their own pile of shit they need to deal with.

I used to try and be polite and smile and nod and say how sorry I was, even though on the inside I was screaming at them to shut the fuck up, having punched them in the face multiple times in my minds eye. But those days are gone. Now a days, I will let a person know from the get go that I really don't give a shit. It saves on a whole bunch of time and nerves and potential aneurisms. It ends well for all those involved.... Well, maybe not he one seeking out attention, but then, I really didn't give a shit anyway, so, I guess it really IS a win win!

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