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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Italian Speaking Mode: ON

I don't know if it really IS because he's Italian and the stereotypes hold true or whether it's because he's an animated person naturally, or maybe because the stereotypes exist and it just happened, but My Puppy Guts speaks with his hands. He talks with his hands and arms, ESPECIALLY when he's trying to put emphasis on certain things or when he's way too super excited about something. Some people are very animated like that. Then there are others who are more sound oriented and make sound effects for stuff. You know, "PEW PEW!!!", "NEEEEEEEERUM!", "KABOOM!", "AAAAAARGH!!!!" Everything has a sound attached to it.

I guess I'm a little bit of both, although I am much more of a visual person than an auditory one. Some people just need to hear it and they get it. Some people need to see it. I need to see it and TOUCH it. Even if it's just with a finger tip for a nano second. I feel inclined to touch things. Even if it's a thought, I feel sometimes that there is a tangible element to a thought I'm trying to grasp and relate to another person. It's sort of hard to explain.

There are all sorts of different ways that people express themselves. Some are completely and fully animated and are overwhelming. Then there are those who are the complete opposite and it kind of makes me want to poke them with a stick or something while they're talking, just to get a reaction out of them. Then there's My dearest Puppy Guts. And like I said, I don't know whether it's because he is an Italian and the stereotypes just hold true or whether it's just the way he is, but I know that the conversation went full on Italian when the Italian speaking mode gets turned on.

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