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Monday, January 14, 2013

Justice, Simply.....

Wouldn't it be great if we had so called "lawlessness" again, and go back to a time when if your honor was questioned or someone wronged you, you could just throw down and beat someone until you felt better? Then we'd have a new class structure where the cowards and pussies can go crawl back under the rocks they were hiding under and those strong enough to fight and win would pave the path forward. Can you imagine the world we could live in? I mean, I am not talking about a complete breakdown in "society" and be totally lacking in structure, but building a world where the brave, the strong and the courageous was leading us forward. Wouldn't that be a hoot.... I mean, if you think about it, it's how our country was originally founded. These days though? Yeah....
Ahh..... Just another pipe dream of mine.....

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