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Friday, January 18, 2013

My Puppy Guts....

It is so cool to have the man of my dreams, especially when I didn't know all the things I wanted in a man until I actually had it. It's impossible to explain, but I am heavily influenced by my own reasoning and emotions, which affect what kind of day I'm going to have and there are times when I can be unpredictable as fuck. Then, I have my A.D.D. moments, I have my O.C.D. moments and I also have my moments when the two collide and do battle with one another. I never had anyone who took the time to try and understand my swings, which it turns out, is kind of important to me. My Puppy Guts is someone who probably understands and "gets me" better than anyone else I've ever come across and it's a rather novel thing to have someone actually try and understand my quirks and weirdness instead of trying to change them, which turns out to be something that's rather important to me too.

And it turns out too, that all these things, combined with quite a few many other things that Puppy Guts does for me and is for me are a huge factor in <ehem> "other aspects" in our lives and makes things spectacular because I'm not worrying so much about the things I'm not for him. It just becomes a moment when we are enjoying each other and the moment that we are having together.... Moments that we like to have often and as much as possible. All the time. And that's really cool. Turns out, I'm not a dispassionate, cold fish after all. Go figure! I just needed to find "the perfect man" for me.

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