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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Don't do it, man.....

I don't  like the idea of people yelling at my kids for silly shit. If they're doing something dangerous or really stupid or, like, they deserve it because they're acting like little assholes, then by all means, yell at them  until they cry home to me. But really?

We had an old crotchety neighbor (less so than my pop though) who yelled at my kids for running across the edge of his lawn in order to get to their friends house a couple of doors down. He came out waving his cane and threatened to cut their legs off and leave their dismembered corpses at the front doorstep of their home. I didn't like it.

In typical mama bear style, I went to confront the old coot about it. He tried to convince me that they deserved to be yelled at because they ran across his yard. I called bullshit on that one and told the old git that if he ever threatens my children like that again, he will come to regret it. Well, maybe it didn't come out like that. There may have been a "fuck" or twelve heavily peppered in there and I think I mentioned his cane and where I would stick it. Sideways. It was kind of sad witnessing him whither. He apologized to my children for threatening them and my kids promised not to run across his yard any more. So far, so good.

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