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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Stereotypes of the "Asian family"....

Yeah... The stereotypical "Asian family".... I live in one.... It's the reality of my day to day. And my being an American of Japanese descent.... Doesn't make it easy....

If you don't know and have never experienced a Japanese household, let me clue you in.... Whatever you accomplished? It's not good enough. You could have done better. Even if it was the best, it still could have been better. It's never done right, it's never good enough and it most certainly is NEVER acceptable. You are not great, and even if you are, no one is impressed and besides, you suck. You're a disgrace and you dishonor your family with your mere existence because of your world class suckiness. The only greatness you achieved was being a crappy, thankless, worthless offspring and apparently you're doing THAT the wrong way too... Go figure.
A lifetime I've been told how useless, pathetic, worthless, terrible, awful, wretched and stupid I am and I should go somewhere and die, all in the "hopes" that I would become a better person and would strive to be better... What can I say, I guess some hardcore Asian families have a different way of "encouraging" their youngsters to being better people or whatever... Oh well...

For whatever anyone wants to call me or say to me or insult me with, these days, I treat it a grain of salt. Believe me when I say, I've been called worse, I've been told worse and I have been insulted worse. Ain't too much that ruffles my feathers in that respect any more... Sigh. I  guess some people will never learn. Pfft! Not my concern.

1 comment:

  1. HUG!!!!! I think you're great! (So does my family aka mainly my dad! lol)
