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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Just an observation...

People in general are pretty shitty... I mean, "I want to smack some sense into them because they're so fuckin' stupid" kind of shitty.
My man and I went to a convenience store the other day. We came out and were walking to the car when we saw that there was a car stopped in the middle of the road. Apparently, the lady was having alternator trouble. The car just wouldn't start, none the less go...
People are flying past her, beeping their horns and screaming all sorts of obscenities at her... She was absolutely frazzled. So, we crossed the street to try and help her out. Lucky tried to push the car into the driveway of an apartment complex so that this poor woman would be out of harm's way while she waited for AAA to come and tow the car. Power steering... Because there was no "power",  and the woman didn't have the strength to turn the steering wheel... <Sigh!> Into a curb, missed the driveway all together.
While all this is going on, the cars are still flying by despite my efforts to stop the traffic for a minute or two. Not only was this woman in harm's way now, but my Lucky and I were too. On the second try, a few other people (two teenagers and an off-duty fireman) stopped to lend a hand. The four of them managed to push the car back enough to try for the driveway again, now with cars flying past all of them too... Grrr....
With the car in the driveway, traffic resumed at it's regular pace and all was well, with the exception of those who wanted to stop and scream out "Stupid bitch! I can't believe this fuckin' shit!", all while laying into their horns. I think these people may have used both of their braincells to be able to push the button for the horn and string together enough words for them to verbalize their apparent dismay about the lack of intelligence of some female dog and their disbelief in fornicating fecal matter.
There was a parking lot full of people just watching the action while all of this was going on, and of course the numerous assholes in their cars that drove past... It didn't spur them into action though... It would have if Lucky, the fireman or one of the two teenage boys got hit by a car... They would have grabbed their cell phones in a hurry... To take pictures and video so that they could post it on youtube or something. Pathetic!
The world is going to hell in a flaming hand basket and no one seems to care...

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