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Friday, April 11, 2014


I don't understand some people. They buy things that they'll never use, wear, eat, or whatever, store it away somewhere and forget about it  just because they "got a great deal on it". Take my mom... (Please!)
She has more stuff than a Walmart. And it's everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I find stuff after digging around in the scary "storage places", fill up a box, slap items up on Ebay, hurray! Most of the stuff is new. Makes for selling said items easier I suppose... But why?
I hate shopping with every fiber of my being. I get all edgy and tense after about the first five minutes. EEERG! Even toy shopping with the kids. (With that I can last about 30 minutes...)  And Christmas time shopping? Forget it! I start getting all stressed out about it in September and have it all done in October. I do not want to be dealing with THAT nuttiness during that time of the year. People get all rude and pushy and would sooner beat you over the head with the closest blunt object than  look at you. No thanks.
I once dealt with a woman who tried to grab an item of clothing right out of my hand. I asked her what she was doing and she simply replied, "I saw it first." My reply to her was, "Prove it. Possession being 9/10 and all..." and I yanked it back out of her hand. She tried to grab for it again, so I hip checked/ pushed her and said very loudly, "Don't come near my kids again, lady! I don't care HOW much money you want to give me, I will NOT allow you to take naked pictures of my KIDS!" She got some strange looks from the other patrons of the store as she sat on her ample ass on the floor where she landed.
I sauntered around the store with the kids for another minute or two and I had a few people walk up to me and ask, "What was THAT about?" I gave them a shrug and an "I don't know! Just some creepy lady with a child porn fetish I guess!" and I hurried my children out of the store.
People! Yeesh!  Shopping! Even MORE Yeesh!

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