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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Food! Glorious FOOD...

I love food. All different kinds. (With the exception of Hummus... Can't do it. It's  a texture thing... Gaaah!) Thai, Mexican, Japanese, Indian, Greek, Italian, American, Chinese, fusions... Dern't matter. Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom! And a lot of it please!
I've come across people who won't try new things. They stick to the things they know they like and that's it. I don't get it. Food shouldn't be just something you consume because you need to. It should be enjoyed, savored, experienced. Living in the US we have the opportunity to enjoy all sorts of food from all over because there's the "something for everyone" thing happening here.
I love to cook and experiment. Sometimes it's great! Other times... Well, Lucky was really understanding and was a good sport about having his stomach pumped... (Well, okay, it wasn't that bad, but he says he would have been had it come to that!).
It's so easy for people to say "Go out and LIVE!" when they have a whole buttload of money and they can afford to do it. I did find though, that cooking is a way of experiencing something from far away right at home. A form of "living" so to speak. If you have to eat anyway (as it IS kinda necessary for the whole "if you don't want to starve to death" thing...) why not EAT? You have the internet to access all sorts of recipes from anywhere in the world or hard to find ingredients for a certain flavor or just come across simple yet brilliant ideas to "WOW!" an old favorite.I mean it's not like I don't like the "usual staples" like ham and cheese or eggs,bacon and sausage or hot dogs and burgers or whatever, but still...
NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM! I always LOVE to hear about food ideas and recipes and junk and stuff. I should start writing them down in one place instead of leaving them all over the place (the method I use for storing a lot of things...). Thankfully I know a few people who rock out loud in the kitchen who are willing to share ideas...

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