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Thursday, April 17, 2014


I don't get what the hell the big deal is. Seriously... You've got two (or more) people shpoinking on camera, panting and moaning and making all sorts of commotion, with all their pieces parts flapping around all over the place...
You've got the one side who like the porn and watch the porn and the fan clubs and the collections and the blah blah blah... Yay great. As long as it's not kiddie porn or some of that weird, sick, fetish shit (come on, we've all seen them on the web. And can I just say, the whole "two girls and a cup" thing was just WRONG!) or whatever and they're not hurting anyone, let them have their fun... So to speak.
Now you've got your other extreme with the whole, "Watching porn will send you straight to HELL!" and whatnot. Don't you people have other things to worry about? Can we invest some of that energy into something a little more worthwhile? You're wasting time and energy and money trying to convince these people that they're doing wrong. What's so wrong about watching porn in the grand scheme of things? Can we put that effort into, oh, I don't know, the current economic situation or the health care thing or fixing whatever it is that is preventing me from "qualifying" for some of the government assistance programs because I'm an American Citizen, who speaks English and has "paid into the system". I love this country and I love the fact that I am an American  who just happens to be of Japanese descent. 9/11 is fast approaching again and it still tears me apart... (And let's not even open up "the opening of a mosque at Ground Zero" can of angry octopi...) I support our troops, our cops, our firefighters and EMTs, and I believe the entitlement of the whole "right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" thing for other American citizens.
What difference does it really make if the guy next door has a porn collection of every Brianna What's-Her-Tits, Ashlynn Stuff-Her-Thang and Shauna What's-Her-Twat movie ever made. Americans fucking to make the porn or working to buy the porn to go "punch the clown", it gets sunk into OUR economy somehow, right? Meanwhile, there are people like me who can't get HELP and I'm getting unwillingly fucked (sans lube w/ restraints)12 ways to Sunday by the government and I still don't have any money to show for it because I don't qualify... Yeah, that's fair...

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