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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ya know???!?!

Sometimes, I hate having to have to say 'no' to my kids. I mean, because I am a parent, there are times when I HAVE to. And then I am a meanie head and a child temper tantrum  occurs and I get the attitude. :slump:

I suppose it'd be easier if I just said "YES!" to everything, but what then? No limits, no consequences, no earning anything, no repercussions for any of their actions,  no anything..... Sort of like what's happening to a good portion of our youths today. Everything is disposable. There is too much of everything, including waste and overindulgence. Children have no idea how to take responsibilities for their actions, their stuff, the things that come out of their fucking mouths. And people complain about what the fuck is happening in the world.

Children are becoming whinier and sissier. The cry about everything, and blame their issues and problems on everyone else. They always look to someone else to solve all their problems. They're lazy and talk back and make excuses for everything. They don't listen and ignore everything and have no manners whatsoever. They're materialistic and greedy and think that everything is disposable. It's absolutely disgusting. And honestly, I get judged because I say "NO" to my kids?

I am NOT going to try and convince the world that my children are perfect, but they know damn well, that I will not tolerate certain behaviors and that there ARE certainly going to be consequences for their actions. I am not a weak handed, lily livered parent and I do not try to "be their friend" and give them everything that they want simply to get them to like me. I do not bend the rules and I expect a certain level of behavior, manners and effort, and I will ALWAYS fix behaviors that I deem to be unacceptable. I will demand that my kids "suck it the fuck up" if the situation does not call for any ensuing drama they feel they need to bring for whatever the reason.

I interact with enough children to know that parenting, and I mean REAL ACTIVE PARENTING or lack thereof, is blatantly obvious. You can tell which are the children who get away with way too much because their first response is to lie or whine or cry or make lame excuses or blame something or someone else. And the fact that they are allowed to get away with it, sickens me. What sickens me more  are the parents who believe that these kids will "grow out of" these behaviors. No dice moron. It's easier to raise a child properly, with morals, manners, a strong sense of responsibility, a proper code of ethics, and good values, then to try and fix them after you've fucked that all up. THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the responsibility of a parent. I wish people would take responsibility and start raising their fucking kids instead of making stupid fucking excuses for them. Assholes.

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