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Friday, February 8, 2013

One cool dude ?

I'm not the most feminine girly girl on the face of the planet. I hate shopping, I hate the mall, I don't worry about my thighs and butt as much as I probably should and I certainly don't dress up and put on full war paint i.e. makeup, just to go to the market. I don't like dresses and heels. I don't like anything other than a comfy pair of jeans and a comfy shirt. Burping and farting amuse me and I suppose if I had balls, I would spend a good portion of my day scratching them, just because I could. I don't sit with my legs crossed, I like crass humor and I cuss a lot. I like playing sports and being physical and talking about cars. I don't necessarily fit in well with the others mothers at the PTO meetings and school functions. I really have nothing in common with them simply because they are everything that I am not. It just happens to be that I have a vagina instead of a penis (although I guess that would make me a gay man because I am in love with a man.... Whatever.)

I've gotten both comments and compliments about my "-ness" and I suppose if I cared more, they might mean something, but what does it matter anyway..... Yes..... I did the thinking thing again. I mean, comments or compliments, is it really going to make me change the way I am because of something that someone, whom I may not even give a crap enough about, whose opinion of me really doesn't much matter anyway? So not worth the effort. I tired of trying to make the effort to reach out to people. It just makes things SO much easier to just put myself out there and those who can jive with my flow can come hang and those who can't handle my sheer awesome can sit and bitch and complain and start their rumors and whatever. Either way, it works for me.

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